August 29, 2008

Tunes @ Work; Opus 1, No. 11

I've got a bunch of ideas for improvements to this ongoing series, mainly providing access to streaming music via sites like lastfm or uploading tunes to a site like iMeem or muxxtape. Eitherway, I'll still provide access to purchase the songs via iTunes or Amazon's music store. In the meantime, I'm still backlogged with lists (not to mention food and music reviews from the summer) so I'll do whatever I can until I'm caught up. Now onto the music!

(author's note - The iTunes Music Store Link Maker site isn't working at the moment so I can't provide the iTunes buttons. I'll try to remember to come back and add them later on. In the meantime, the hyperlinked song titles lead to streams on lastfm.)



CorrND said...

When I first scanned this list, I thought I knew almost none of it. Then I studied it and realized that I probably know at least half the songs. Still, I need to start checking out the stuff I don't recognize on your lists.

Likin' the subtle tweaks to the design. I've been saying I need to remake my whole template for months but it never happens. Someday.

Alan Maginn said...

We should plan on a music exchange the weekend of Bonner's wedding. Do you have an external harddrive with all of your music?

CorrND said...

"All of my music" is a hard thing to define, and it's definitely not collected in one place. There's stuff on CD, stuff on the ipod I never use, and stuff on Rhapsody that's non-transferable.

I've got a 6GB mini hard drive with a USB connection that I could throw a bunch of stuff onto and easily transfer to you. It would mostly be a guess as to what CDs you don't have.